

PROLOG Services is a procurement and logistics office that has been launched about twenty years ago and since then offers their services mainly to aid organizations.
Through the years we have had the pleasure of beeing part of many projects around the world. Our clients range from large, highly professional organizations like the Catholic Relief Services to small units consisting of volunteer employees.

Our Work

Our Work

OUR WORK includes providing experience, a reliable network of local suppliers and freight forwarders in many Asian and African countries and personal knowledge of the special conditions and circumstances when working in disaster areas.
The most important factor in bringing a project to success, however, is always the local project staff on site.

Items for Refugee Shelters

Items for Refugees

In the last years, communities have been faced with a growing number of refugees and asylum seekers, people who are looking for help. The financial and human resources of the authorities can’t keep up with the the task of providing decent housing for the refugees.
ProLog has been offering its services to municipal administrations in Germany by suppling products like metal bunk beds and mattresses as well as furnishings produced on custom request such as tables, chairs and wardrobes. These items are manufactured in the EU and take into account all relevant requirements in terms of safety and environmental protection.
References are available upon request.


Objektausstattung Übergangswohnheime


Städte und Gemeinden sehen sich einer steigenden Zahl von Flüchtlingen und Asylbewerbern, und somit Hilfe suchenden Menschen gegenüber. Die finanzielle und personelle Ausstattung der Behörden hält mit der Entwicklung der Aufgabe, nämlich menschenwürdige Unterkunft zu schaffen, nicht Schritt.
Hier bietet sich ProLog als Dienstleister und Lieferant für Objektausstattung mit standardisierten Produkten wie Metall-Etagenbetten und Matratzen, sowie Mobiliar nach Kundenvorgabe – wie Tische,  Stühle und Kleiderschränke an. Die erstgenannte Produktlinie stammt aus EU-Fertigung und berücksichtigt alle relevanten Vorgaben hinsichtlich Produktsicherheit, Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz.
Entsprechende Referenzen erhalten Sie gerne auf Anforderung.




ProLog Services
Limbacher Str. 3
D-53902 Bad Muenstereifel
Mobile +49 (0) 179 543 8694 (24h)
Phone +49 (0) 2257 1785
Fax +49 (0) 3222 2411 107
E-mail info(at)pro-log.biz